Cecile Richards has pounded the drum till its skin has worn thin: Women’s healthcare is in danger. Without Planned Parenthood, women will die. Women will have no way to obtain pap smears, breast exams, and birth control, unless the half a billion taxpayer dollars a year keeps flowing into her hands.
On its face, this seems relatively ridiculous. We have Obamacare, which mandates “free” birth control. We have Republicans looking to make birth control even easier to obtain by making it available in stores. One wonders if Planned Parenthood got the memo from the Centers for Disease Control that aggregates guidance from the American Cancer Society, U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, The Society of Gynecologic Oncology, and the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology to recommend that sexually active women under 21 do not get pap smears and that women over 21 receive a pap smear every three years.
It has become pretty clear that Planned Parenthood is offering “services” as the entry point on their supply chain. Every pregnancy test offered gives Planned Parenthood the opportunity to convert that customer to its most profitable service—abortion.
Read the rest of this article at The Federalist